Product Care

Product Care Instructions

Crystals: Keep crystals out of direct sunlight. Some crystals may cause fires due to their reflective properties. Additionally, some crystals can alter in color or have discoloration due to extended exposure to direct sunlight. To clean a crystal of any debris place it in a vinegar or sea salt bath. Our crystals containing druzy pockets are left in vinegar baths for 8-12 hours, then rinsed off with water for optimal glistening and debris removal. Do not use sanitizers or toothbrushes to clean crystals.  Depending on the crystal hardness and porousness these methods of cleaning may damage the crystal. 

Candles: Always burn candles in a well-ventilated room. Never burn a candle for more than 4 hrs and never leave a candle unattended. Burn only on a heat-resistant surface/coaster, within sight, away from children/pets, and away from flammable objects. Always trim the wick before lighting. The wick should be no longer than 1/4". Never extinguish candles with water. If smoking occurs, extinguish the candle, trim the wick and relight. Do not touch the glass while the candle is burning or cooling off. For safety and best scent results, keep the pool that forms free of debris and wood wick trimmings. Take caution when handling the glass jar, if dropped the jar may shatter. If the jar becomes broken, chipped, or cracked, discontinue use. Stop using once 1/2" of wax remains. Burning beyond this point can present a fire hazard. Soy wax may cause adhesion changes within the glass but has no effect on use. Additionally, this does not mean the candle is defective as this is natural to soy wax.

Tips for Wooden Wick Burning - Wooden Wicks may cause variances in color and texture of wax due to the handmade nature and natural textures of the wood. Wooden wicks burn differently than cotton and are most comparable to a wood-burning fire. To light hold the candle at an angle, then connect the wick with a flame for at least 5-10 seconds. We recommend you use wand lighters or rechargeable lighters rather than matches (for safety and lighting ease). While burning the candle for an extended period of time the flame may get too low, If this happened, it may be necessary to snap off any excess ash or burnt wood along the top of the wick. Once completed, the flame will then return to its proper optimal height. To prevent wax tunneling allow the melted wax pool to reach the edge of the glass (takes approximately 2-3 hours of burning) before extinguishing.

Waring Label -   

Art: If an art print or oil painting has a thin layer of dust, grime or residue gently wipe it away with a soft cloth or gentle duster.  If more abrasive methods are needed to remove residue we recommend olive oil-based soaps as they are typically lower in pH levels. Do not use anything that contains alcohol as this may remove some of the paint.